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What do I Say to Pros?

24 Apr

An essential part of networking is face-to-face conversation.

When one, being a student or recent graduate,  is surrounded by public relations professionals, it can be a bit intimidating to simply go up to them and introduce oneself. Of, course it is always frightening when a situation is awkward. The professional shouldn’t look at the student introducing themself with a facial expression that reads “Who are you and why should I care?” 

Lisa B. Marshall, a communications specialist, offers several tips in order to make interpersonal communications successful and, of course, avoiding all awkwardness. Potential friendships are all around, take advantage of it!

  • Pay attention
  • Be sincerely curious yet don’t interrogate
  • Most people are more than happy to converse as long as you take the first step.
  • Refrain from prejudice because you never know what people have to offer
  • If going to an event where a specific speaker will be present, Google them in advance. Do your homework!
  • Practice communications skill every chance that you get: Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, the check-out  line at Wal-Mart, or even the line to get your favorite strawberry milkshake at Chick-Fil-A!

For the full podcast on How to Start a Conversation or other podcasts, visit Lisa B. Marshalls’s The Public Speaker.